創辦人 Polly 在 2009 年創辦 Pause Rewind & Fastforward,Pause Rewind & Fastforward 是一個關於時間體驗和保存的品牌,Polly 與團隊透過多年的手藝與經驗,以不一樣的方式去保存本該早逝的物料。我們的作品圍繞著以獨特的鮮花乾製技術去把花最美麗的一刻保存下來,並以乾製花去做出不一樣的手作品。以時間和保存為題,Polly 一直領導團隊,探索更多的可能性,近年Polly親自為客人自身的故事以保鮮花製作獨一無二的故事場景,加入來自德國的人偶,將專屬的一刻保存下來,將時間和保存這個概念加以提升。團隊於近年亦用心研究在不同空間進行花藝裝置,以及設計適合不同場地、活動的花藝佈置。此外,Polly 於 2015 年建立了”小房子”,期望打造一個鬧市中的溫室,與繁忙的城市人分享,不設最低消費亦沒有時限,大膽地實驗一下理想的模式。而2016年開創的餐廳”朝花夕拾”則以花入饌,將花的元素貫穿於每款料理的造型及味道中,集「賞花、嚐花、喝花、製花、買花」為一體。
Pause Rewind & Fast Forward is founded by Polly in 2009. It is a brand about the experience and the preservation of time. Through the knowledge and craftsmanship of Polly and her team, they preserve materials that should have demised in extraordinary ways.Their work is about how to last the best moment of the blossom flower with unique treatment and turn the dried flowers into different crafted goods. Using time and preservation as theme, Polly has been leading her team in exploring possibilities. In recent years, they started to build miniature scenery of specific stories for customers from flowers. With the help of mini figures made in Germany, they recreate and kept the extraordinary moment. The team has also been working on interior installations, designing floral decoration for various occasion and spaces.
In year 2015, Polly started “The Hut”, looking to build a greenhouse in this crowded city and to share it with everyone so busy in their urban life. Experimenting if such ideal can survive With no minimum charge and limit of time. As for “ZhaoHuaXiShi” started in 2016, is a restaurant that themed in floral dining, emerging flower as an element in every cuisine, joining appreciating, dining, drinking, making and buying flowers into one full experience.