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  • Day 1

    Sep 1, 2018 星期六 Saturday

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    60 分鐘 | 廣東話

    《陰道獨白》是由美國劇作家 Eves Ensler 與訪問世界各地200多位女性後編作而成的劇場詩篇。透過獨白形式,讓世界找回陰道的故事和聲音。內容圍繞女性身體、情慾、性暴力等議題。此劇在1996於紐約首演後,變成了一個全球的年度盛事,每年2月世界各地都會舉行 V-Day 活動,藉此引起大眾對性暴力問題的關注。本地劇團「無用實驗室」將以廣東話演繹這香港久違的《陰道獨白》選段。

    Early Bird|HK$80

    60 mins | In Cantonese

    The Vagina Monologues was a script written by Eves Ensler after interviewing over 200 women around the world about stories of their vaginas, and their views on sex, relationship and sexual violence against women. The play was first performed in 1996, and in 1998 V-day movement was launched. It has turned into a worldwide campaign against sexual violence ever since. Local theatre group, Useful Uselessness will perform selected pieces of this memorable play in Cantonese.
    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
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    Performance 演出
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 2

    Sep 2, 2018 星期日 Sunday

  • 早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
    正價 Regular|HK$60


    90 分鐘|英文

    女性各有獨特的生命歷程、身份認同及表達方式,但社會仍以異性戀這個「標準」出發,長期以一種狹隘的角度思考性別議題。女同性戀、雙性戀、無性戀、泛性向及流動性取向人士在各種空間及平台上都被拒之門外,跨性別女性及非二元性別人士更往往被無視。心理學家及性別研究學者 Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre 將於本環節探討這類被忽視的女性,近年來如何引起大眾對於性別議題的關注,以及如何在充滿壓迫的社會中重奪一席之地,並將會討論「多元交織性(intersectionality)」為何應該是女性主義未來發展的大方向。


    Early Bird|HK$40

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Transgender Resource Center.

    90 mins|English

    Women are of different experiences, identities and expressions, but society has maintained a heteronormative and constricted sense of gender for a long time. In many spaces and platforms lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual and sexually fluid women are left out. Transgender women and non-binary people are made invisible. In this session Dr. Brenda Alegre talks about these invisible women and how they have made themselves reemerged and how they reclaimed their spaces in recent years. She talks about how Intersectionality should be our feminist way forward.

    Transgender Resource Center (TGR), is committed to promote the awareness of transgender population and related service in Hong Kong and mainland China. Begin with education, they provide information and resources to the public and to the transgender community.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$180


    90 分鐘 | 以廣東話授課

    人際衝突可以造成傷害與分離,亦可以帶來更深的理解和親密,兩者的分別取決於吵得臉紅耳熱之際,我們心懷什麼意識和具備哪些技巧。這節工作坊將引介「非暴力溝通」(Nonviolent Communication)這套工具,重新認識衝突的本質,並設有多個即場練習,涵蓋衝突前、衝突中和衝突後的具體情境,培養「嗌一場『好』交」的聆聽、表達、回饋和協商等各種能力,好讓我們在攻擊與退讓之外,做到更有意識、更滿足彼此需要的回應。

    女同學社 (Nu Tong Xue She) 成立於2005年9月,是一個由同志社群創辦和經營的倡議組織(advocacy group),成員包括女∕男同志、雙性愛同志、跨性別人士,以及對同志友善的異性戀者。
    Early Bird|HK$180

    * 50% net proceeds from this seminar will go to NTXS.

    90 mins | In Cantonese

    Interpersonal conflicts can cause harm and separation, and can also lead to deeper understanding and intimacy. The difference between the two depends on the level of consciousness and skills that we have when we are triggered in conflict. This workshop will understand the nature of conflicts in new light through the lens of Nonviolent Communication. There will be a number of on-site exercises that cover specific situations before, during and after conflicts to cultivate a variety of abilities such as listening, expressing, reflecting, and negotiating. With these abilities, we are more able to make conscious and mutually satisfying responses beyond attack or submission.

    About the Beneficiary:
    NTXS is a volunteer-run, education and cultural advocacy collective for and by members from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Hong Kong.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$150

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「婦女動力基金」

    60 分鐘|廣東話

    嘉賓:Ronda (Operations Manager of Young Master Brewery, Founder of Tipsy Darcy, BJCP Recognized Beer Judge, Cicerone Certified Beer Server), Fish (Former Manager of The Ale Project ,Cicerone Certified Beer Server, BJCP Certified Beer Judge), Stella: (Beer enthusiastwho started working in the drinks business since 2007), Belle (Co-founders of HK Brewcraft, First BJCP National Beer Judge in Asia, Cicerone Certified Beer Server)

    主持:譚凱蔚 Ashley Tam (Young Master Retail Executive)

    熱愛啤酒又對性別議題有興趣的你,千萬不能錯過這個手工啤酒品嚐 x 女性啤酒從業員的分享會!我們與本地手工啤酒品牌《少爺啤》合作,為大家帶來一系列口味獨特的啤酒,更邀請到四位在本地手工啤酒行業裡面獨當一面的型格女子作分享!

    每名參加者將品嚐 4 款啤酒。

    Early Bird|HK$150

    * All net proceeds from this workshop will go to Her Fund

    60 mins|Cantonese

    Speaker:Ronda (Operations Manager of Young Master Brewery, Founder of Tipsy Darcy, BJCP Recognized Beer Judge, Cicerone Certified Beer Server), Fish (Former Manager of The Ale Project ,Cicerone Certified Beer Server, BJCP Certified Beer Judge), Stella: (Beer enthusiastwho started working in the drinks business since 2007), Belle (Co-founders of HK Brewcraft, First BJCP National Beer Judge in Asia, Cicerone Certified Beer Server)

    Moderator: Ashley Tam (Young Master Retail Executive)

    All beer lovers are invited to join this sharing and beer tasting workshop at Eaton HK. You’ll have the opportunity to know more about local craft beer - from brewing to beer tasting. You will get to taste several beers from Young Master Brewery, guided by 4 pioneering badass ladies behind the scenes in the industry, and explore themes from craft beer, gender, to diversity!

    Each participant will taste 4 types of beer.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    1/F Reception @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店
    Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    88 分鐘 | 台語 (中英文字幕)

    8pm-9:30pm 電影放映
    9:30pm-10:30pm 分享會(以國語及廣東話主講)
    嘉賓:王安頤(LEZS雜誌、LEZ'S Meeting女人國創辦人)

    每天早上,我的母親總是先於我醒來,她會先準備好我的午餐,然後出門。每天傍晚,我的母親會在外面吃過晚餐之後才回家,靜靜地梳洗完畢後就又回到 屬於她的房間裡,打開收音機關上房門,在晚上九點睡去。 我們生活在相同的空間裡,但幾十年來,我們就像是同個屋簷下的陌生人,唯 一的交集是她為我準備的吃食,我們之間沒有噓寒問暖、沒有母女間的心裡話、 沒有「我愛你」。 當我注視著她,我知道在那震耳欲聾的沈默之下,藏著讓她難以面對及言說的 秘密 ;我知道在緊閉的雙唇背後,是令她窒息且擺脫不去的恥辱。 這天,我終於鼓起勇氣與她開啟對話,但我真的準備去好面對她將給出的答案 了嗎?我們又是否都能夠好好面對那些已經被埋藏許久的過去?


    Early Bird|HK$80

    88 mins | Taiwanese with Chinese and English Subtitles

    8pm-9:30pm Movie Screening
    9:30pm-10:30pm Sharing Session (In Mandarin and Cantonese)
    Guest: Ann-jiun Wang (A.J.) (Founder of LEZS magazine and LEZ'S Meeting)

    Every morning, my mother wakes up well before me, prepares my lunch, and takes off. Every evening, after eating out, my mom comes home, washes up, closes her bedroom door, and is asleep by 9PM. We live in the same space, my mother and I. But for decades now, we are like strangers under one roof. The only exchanges are the meals she cooks and leaves for me on our dining room table. No hellos, no goodbyes, and no “I love you.” Silence permeates our house as I watch her, knowing that beneath the deafening silence lies a secret that weighs heavily on her, keeping her from speaking; knowing that behind her tightly pursed lips is a shame so overbearing that it suffocates her. One day, I finally summon up the courage to sit her down and make her talk. My camera becomes a gateway and a tool in prying open the Pandora’s box and capturing my mother’s secrets. But am I ready to hear what she has to say? Are we ready to face what’s been buried for so long?

    Region: Taiwan
    Director: Hui-Chen HUANG
    Awards: Best Documentary Film, 2017 Berlin International Film Festival
    Category : IIA

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 3

    Sep 3, 2018 星期一 Monday

  • 早鳥價|HK$120

    60 分鐘 | 廣東話

    本工作坊旨在借助肚皮舞協助學員重新理解自己的身體。肚皮舞除了是一種講究核心肌肉協調的運動,更強調身體與自我表達。社會對於身體設下諸多限制,女性的身體表達長期以來受到文化壓抑,工作忙碌的現代人與自己的身體也鮮有連結, Chocolate Factory 表演藝術和教育中心的創辦人 Winnie Yip 將會透過肚皮舞帶大家重新思考身體文化及性別政治。

    * 建議學員穿著鬆身運動衫褲。

    Early Bird|HK$120

    60 mins | Cantonese

    This workshop aims at helping participants reconnect with their bodies. Apart from being an excellent core-workout, Belly Dance is also an art form that emphasizes self-expression. Our bodies especially female bodies – have been suppressed by numerous social norms, through this workshop, Chocolate Factory Performing Arts and Education Centre's founder, Winnie Yip invites you to question such body culture and gender politics through belly dance.

    * Please wear comfortable clothes suitable for exercise.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    120 分鐘|廣東話

    精進料理是日本傳統素菜,始於鎌倉時代. 「精進」原為佛教用語,意指屏除雜念,一心修行. 最初供襌寺僧侶食用,後來逐漸擴展至民間。其調味和烹調方法,對往後日本料理發展極具影響。精進料理注重營養均衡的陰陽五行概念. 基本形以一汁三菜依據甜、辣、酸,鹹、苦的「五味」,紅、綠、黃、白、黑的「五色」,烤、煮、炸,蒸,切(生食)的「五法」此三大原則料理,在備膳用餐時表現出自然之美。

    MUM 素食餐廳創辦人 Pokit 將於料理初心班和大家一起研習以下菜目:


    * 學員請自備食物盒以便攜帶製成品回家。

    Early Bird|HK$260

    120 mins|Cantonese

    “Shōjin Ryōri” is the tradition of Zen vegetarian cooking of Japan that can be dated back to the Kamakura period (12th Century). “Shōjin” is a Buddhist concept that emphasizes “devotion” and “mindfulness”. “Shōjin Ryōri” started as a cuisine prepared exclusively for monks living in temples and monasteries, but later became popularized among the general public. The Zen style of cooking is most influential in shaping the development of Japanese cuisine. “Shōjin Ryōri” aims at capturing the beauty of nature through food, and enhances our appreciation for the passage of time and changing of the Seasons.

    Vegetarian Restaurant, MUM's founder Pokit will share his recipes on the following menu:

    Mushroom and carrot rice
    Vegetable miso soup
    Spinach with sesame
    Vegetarian wrap
    Cold tomato with pomelo vinegar
    Burdock & carrot in Kinpira style

    * Participants are required to prepare their own food containers to bring the finished products home.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Conference Room @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 免費

    60 分鐘|廣東話

    誠邀您參加 Aesop 護膚工作坊。Aesop 的專業人員會在舒適融洽的氣氛中,透過親身體驗的方式,帶領您了解日常生活中抗氧化的知識及方案。

    * 將提供茶點

    購買任何門票5張或以上,即送您由 Aesop 贊助的抗氧護膚工作坊,據聞上完堂仲會有佢地的產品送~



    60 mins|Cantonese

    Aesop is hosting a gathering devoted to skin care with a focus on anti-oxidants. Our skilled team will guide participants through an intimate, hands-on experience, giving the opportunity to apply formulations to the face in order to experience the aroma, texture and finish on the skin.

    * Light refreshments will be provided.

    Buy 5 and more tickets of any events. And you get a free Aesop workshop!

    Places are limited. You will receive an email after you buy 5 tickets. Remember to rsvp when you get our email!

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Conference Room @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    84 分鐘 | 俄語 (中文字幕)

    8pm-9:30pm 電影放映
    9:30pm-10pm 廣東話分享會
    嘉賓:羅樂敏(詩人, 水煮魚文化製作行政總監)


    獎項:2015 柏林影展最佳處女作提名

    Early Bird|HK$80

    84 mins | Russian with Chinese Subtitles

    8pm-9:30pm Movie Screening
    9:30pm-10pm Cantonese Sharing Session
    Guest speaker: Louise Law (poet, executive director of Spicy Fish Cultural Production)

    The Gulls is a parable on the background of modern Kalmykia. It is about love, with the characters intuitively fulfilling forgotten traditions. Their love is silent and their sorrow without tears. The seagulls are souls of dead fishermen, broken boats, and hope. Elza, the fisherman's wife, wants to leave her husband but cannot take this step because she is afraid of uncertainty.

    Region: Russia
    Director: Ella Manzheeva
    Awards: Nominated for 2015 Berlin International Film Festival Best First Feature
    Category : IIA

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 4

    Sep 4, 2018 星期二 Tuesday

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    90 分鐘|廣東話


    Early Bird|HK$80

    90 mins|Cantonese

    The talk and discussion will be on staying healthy and slowing the aging progress of women from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. It will cover areas such as nutrition, self-care and lifestyles.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$40

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「大銀力量」。

    90 分鐘 | 廣東話

    「我無用㗎啦,而家唔需要我啦⋯⋯」、「我又老又煩,你哋都唔想理我!」⋯⋯ 你的父母會瀕瀕說出這種話嗎?身為子女明明已經常常抽空陪伴,也盡量給予足夠的家用,父母為何還是不開心、不滿足,甚至總是埋怨子女「掉低」自己?如果你也有這些煩惱,或者你要留意一下,父母會不會已經患上情緒病,例如抑鬱症?有情緒病,家人又不察覺,便很容易影響親子和夫妻關係。



    早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
    正價 Regular|HK$60

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Big Silver.

    90 mins | Cantonese

    Ageing is a process that we all have to face. Women entering retiring age not only need to deal with the change of body conditions (e.g menopause, downfall of body wellness) and environment but also the shift of roles . When graduating from the career and the role of family caregiver, emptiness will become a big issue to deal with. The perception of oneself not being needed may lead to crisis in self image and self esteem as well as undue stress.

    During the talk, a clinical psychologist/ scholar, social worker and a retired lady will share how women can prepare for the change of social and family role during their new stage of life and what signals should they be aware of for emotion meltdown. Who's up for tips to embrace their silverhood?

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    89 分鐘 | 法語 (中英文字幕)

    8pm-9:30pm 電影放映
    9:30pm-10pm 廣東話分享會



    Early Bird|HK$80

    89 mins | French with Chinese and English Subtitles

    8pm-9:30pm Movie Screening
    9:30pm-10pm Cantonese Sharing Session
    Guest: Joyce Yang (Film Critic)

    Agnès Varda and JR have a lot of things in common: their passion for images and how they are created, displayed, and shared. Varda chose cinema and documentary. JR chose to create open-air photographic galleries. When they finally met, they’ve decided immediately to work together. The film documents their heartwarming journey through rural France, and the unlikely, tender friendship they formed along the way.
    Region: France
    Director: Agnès Varda and JR
    Category : IIA

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 5

    Sep 5, 2018 星期三 Wednesday

  • 正價|HK$30

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「OAMA 」。

    60 分鐘|廣東話


    非牟利平台「一時媽媽OAMA」的聯合創辦人 Babie 及 Marina 將介紹 OAMA 及分享流產經歷 ,亦邀請到香港樹仁大學輔導及心理學系助理教授 Bobo,從學術角度分享流產對身心靈影響,最後亦會有催眠治療師 Ava 與在場人士進行15至20分鐘的身心靈放鬆練習。

    「OAMA 」一時媽媽非牟利流產支援平台。為每個受流產影響的媽媽及其家人都能夠得到支持,並釋放流產對受影響女士的困擾,令她們從失去中學習與成長。


    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to OAMA.

    60 mins | Cantonese

    OAMA co-founders Babie and Marina OAMA will share their experiences of pregnancy loss. 。HKSYU Professor Bobo, OAMA consultant, will share phycological effects a pregnancy have on body and mind.。Hypnotherapist Ava, OAMA consultant, will lead participant a 15-20 minutes body and soul relaxation exercise.

    「OAMA 」Every mummies and their families who are affected by pregnancy loss to receive support, and to empower the affected women to become a more mature being through experiencing and reflecting on the loss.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$40

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「生命工場 」。

    90 分鐘|廣東話

    教育對於我們以及社會未來發展也是重要的議題,但教育給人的印象往往是死板而又遙不可及的-我們邀請到德萃小學總校長朱子穎、糖不甩的創辦人Julia Sun,以及藝術家兼視藝老師楊秀卓,分享改革傳統教育的經驗和心得,讓老師和學生都能重拾教與學的樂趣!



    Early Bird|HK$40

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Life Workshop.

    90 mins | Cantonese

    For this panel on education, we have invited Innovative Teacher Principal Chu, Julia Sun from Sticky Rice Love, and Artist/educator Ricky Yeung to share their experience and views on reforming what it means to teach and learn.

    Moderator: Sonia Wong

    The Life Workshop was established in 2004 with the goal of "cultivating quality of life". They are committed to building more possibilities for underprivileged family in Hong Kong.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    150 分鐘|廣東話


    Early Bird|HK$260

    150 mins | Cantonese

    Emotion violence is often unconsciously applied in daily conversation. When it comes to parenting, any violence inflicted may harm not only the relationships but also the self development of our kids.

    Through introducing the core value and techniques of nonviolent communication, mindfulness tutor, Christine Cheung aims to help parents to be aware of their communication habits which hinder real connections and to acquire a peaceful state of mind which fuels your parental-child communication with love instead of violence.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「白恩逢之家 」。

    106 分鐘 | 英語

    8pm-9:45pm 電影放映
    9:45pm-10:30pm 製作團隊映後分享會(英語主講)



    《守護者》通過一系列真實故事,從多方面展現了香港外籍家庭傭工群體堅強、堅定且自豪的品格,動人心弦。在香港富裕奢華的光環背後,這群女性不僅要照顧雇主的家庭,還需支持自己在遠方的親人。對於很多本地孩子來說,她們可謂是第二個母親,是香港家庭的凝固劑;同時,她們背井離鄉,無法照顧自己的孩子,但為了能夠給他們提供更好的經濟支持而選擇背負思念親人的痛苦。《守護者》將她們作出的個人犧牲以及對香港社會的貢獻呈現於觀眾眼前。 外傭群體在香港常遭誤解與詬病,而《守護者》意在以積極的語調和外傭們勵志感人的故事邀請觀眾走入她們的世界,聆聽她們的心聲。

    導演:Joanna Bowers

    「白恩逢之家 」女移民工庇護中心(或名白恩逢之家)於1986年由移民工牧民中心成立,是一個在本港公司條例下註冊的慈善團體,提供慈善服務和社會輔導予有需要的移民工及其家庭。

    Early Bird|HK$80

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to The Bethune House.

    106 mins | English

    8pm-9:45pm Movie Screening
    9:45pm-10:30pm Sharing Session by Director and Cast (In English)

    We also invite friends from Bethune home - a community-supported emergency shelter for migrant women in crisis, as well as members from local workers’ organisation, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (the HKCTU) to share with us their work.

    Moderator: Sonia Wong

    In a city renowned for wealth and luxury, The Helper brings to light the sacrifices they make to support families - both in Hong Kong and at home. Often seen as the second mother in many homes, the stories show the immense contribution they make to Hong Kong society; a domestic backbone provided to so many. This is in the face of heart-breaking separation from their loved ones. Each feel wrenched from families, often missing crucial stages in their children’s lives, but do so willingly in order to financially provide for them. But the overriding message is a positive one. The Helper gives a human face to an often-critiqued community, countering negativity with uplifting stories of personal achievement.

    Region: Hong Kong
    Director: Joanna Bowers
    Category : TBC

    The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge is a registered charitable institution under the companies ordinance in Hong Kong. It was established in 1986 under the Mission for Migrant Workers to provide charitable assistance and social counseling to the needy migrant workers and their families.


    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 6

    Sep 6, 2018 星期四 Thursday

  • 早鳥價 Early|HK$120

    60 分鐘|英語

    Nia 是適合任何人士的律動舞蹈,有助我們連結身體的能力及感受內在的光芒,從而帶給我們力量。此身心療癒的舞蹈有助我們提升心跳率,釋放快樂賀爾蒙安多酚,在舒適區內活動身體。而任何體能、即使手腳不協調的人士,也可體驗與自己各個身體系統更開放地溝通。Nia是能啟發喜樂的舞蹈,它的律動就是根據我們的神經系統設計,跟著跳人就會感到快樂!PAUSE 的創辦人及導師 Jill Marshall 具備20年教授人體結構學及律動經驗,將會帶領我們進行52套舞蹈動作,靈感來自Nia的9套基本動作。


    Early Bird|HK$120

    60 mins|English

    An empowering movement class for any body-type to connect to our body’s capabilities and feel the radiance within. We raise the heartbeat, release endorphins and move within our comfort zone. All fitness levels and those with 2 left feet can experience an opening and connection of all body systems. Nia is a dance movement practice that inspires joy - it just does! We’re just neurologically wired that way! PAUSE’s founder, Jill Marshall will lead us in a dance of 52 moves, infused by 9 movement arts, with 20 years of Anatomy and Movement teaching experience.

    *Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for exercise.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    90 分鐘|廣東話


    - 認識乾花及花語
    - 學習插花技巧
    - 製作獨一無二的乾花花盒
    - 花材會因應季節而有所不同

    Early Bird|HK$260

    90 mins|Cantonese

    In this workshop, you would be introduced to the art of dried flowers and some basic arrangement techniques. Under the guidance of the instructor, you will be making your own dried flower box, with flower selections that vary according to the seasons.

    Dried Flower Box Workshop
    Course Content:
    - Introduction to dried flowers
    - Flower arrangement techniques
    - Make your own dried flower box
    - Flowers vary according to the season

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    90 分鐘|廣東話

    okapi studio 導師會從基本開始介紹各種天然原材料的特徵和功效,並會引導學員從嗅覺出發,學習分辦各種打磨成粉末的原材料。 學員能從原材料中揀選喜愛的味道,在導師的指導下,使用工具混合香泥,調配出味道芳香,形狀精巧的手工香。手工香完成品因應學員的調配可作香薰或蚊香之用途。 燃點後的灰燼更能倒進植物的土壤當中,做到真正的物盡其用,將環保意識融日常生活。

    Early Bird|HK$260

    90 mins|Cantonese

    okapi studio will introduce the traditional culture of incense and its production process, participants will also get to know how to create handmade incense of different shapes.

    Depending on the combination of the natural ingredients, the final product of this workshop can be used as scented incense or insect repellent. Since ash from burnt incense is rich in nutrients, participants may use it as fertilisers for plants by mixing it into the soil. Such that we can fully utilise the gift of Nature and live with a greater environmental awareness in our daily life.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Conference Room @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$150

    90 分鐘|廣東話


    Early Bird|HK$150

    90 mins|Cantonese

    We all got an inner child in our heart, but have you ever connected with them? Besides discipline, do you actually spend time listening to and caring for them? It’s time to start embracing and accepting who you really are. Let the creative process be a safe playground for you two to connect and enjoy each other’s company. Having a truthful dialogue with the child you have ignored for so long isn’t as complicated as you think. Just one step at a time, you will begin to love the original YOU.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    120 分鐘 | 廣東話及英語

    我們邀請你參與一場富啟發性及活化心靈的音樂旅程。聲音治療師李佩茵及音樂家紀雨富將以水晶缽、水晶豎琴、手碟 (handpan) 及人聲演唱,為你帶來一個難忘的演出。由各種水晶樂器發出的音頻振動,加上手碟的夢幻音色,純淨的聲音將滲透你全身每個細胞,洗滌心靈,紓緩壓力。讓自己沉浸在這些靈性的音樂的和諧能量裡,好好享受一下吧!

    Early Bird|HK$260

    120 mins | Cantonese & English

    Join us for an inspirational and rejuvenating sound journey with alchemy crystal singing bowls, crystal harps, handpan and voice. Sound transforms on a cellular level: the pure vibration from the crystal instruments and trance created by handpan effectively resets your brain, your central nervous system, your mood and alleviates stress. Allow yourself to bathe in the harmonious energy of these sacred instruments!

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Performance 演出
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 7

    Sep 7, 2018 星期五 Friday

  • 「女子自衛術 + 預防及處理性暴力工作坊」優惠組合


    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「風雨蘭」。
    * 建議學員穿著鬆身運動衫褲及平底運動鞋。

    女子自衛術工作坊 Self Defense Workshop
    Anita @ Eaton House

    預防及處理性暴力工作坊 Anti-Sexual Violence Workshop
    Kino @ Eaton House

    地點:香港九龍彌敦道 380 號香港逸東酒店1樓

    此優惠組合包含兩個充滿力量的組合,首先跟擁有18年跆拳道經驗的導師 Terry Hui 學習由跆拳道等所綜合成為專為女性度身訂造而設的自衛術,令學員能夠增加自信、保護自己,勤加練習更能收強身健體之效。


    全港首間支援性暴力受害人的慈善機構「風雨蘭」成立於2000年。免費提供包括即時輔導、法醫檢查、錄取口供、提供事後避孕、性病檢查及預防治療、法律資訊等適切支援,以協助全港遭受性暴力的女性重建自尊自信。風雨蘭性暴力支援熱線: 2375 5322

    Self Defense + Anti-Sexual Violence Combo

    Ticketing: $180

    *All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Rainlily.
    *Please wear comfortable sports wear.

    Self Defense Workshop
    Anita @ Eaton House

    Anti-Sexual Violence Workshop
    Kino @ Eaton House

    Location:Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    This combo will contain two powerful workshops. First, we will start with a self defence training tailor made for female hosted by Terry Hui, a Taekwondo instructor with 18 years of practice experience. Participants will be empowered by learning a series of self defense techniques, which help to enhance body strength and enable them to defend themselves in circumstance.

    After empowering ourselves with the self defence techniques, participants will join a anti-sexual violence workshop presented by Rainlily, a one stop service and support organisation for sexual violence victims. Participant will get a brief understanding of sexual violence and the current situation in Hong Kong. Consolidate your own view on sexual violence via discussion on case study as well as interactive activities, and hence to reflect “my” role on combating sexual violence.

    Set up by the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) in 2000, RainLily offers sexual violence victims a one-stop service around the clock, including pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infections screening and treatment, forensic medical examination, psychological support and legal process support (statement-taking and court hearing). RainLily Sexual Violence Helpline: 2375 5322

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$40

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「風雨蘭」。

    60 分鐘 | 廣東話


    風雨蘭性暴力支援熱線: 2375 5322


    Early Bird|HK$40

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Rainlily.

    60 mins | Cantonese

    Get a brief understanding of sexual violence and the current situation in Hong Kong. Consolidate your own view on sexual violence via discussion on case study as well as interactive activities, and hence to reflect “my” role on combating sexual violence.

    RainLily Sexual Violence Helpline: 2375 5322

    Set up by the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) in 2000, RainLily offers sexual violence victims a one-stop service around the clock, including pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infections screening and treatment, forensic medical examination, psychological support and legal process support (statement-taking and court hearing).

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    * 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「婦女動力基金」。

    90 分鐘 | 廣東話

    開展新事業本身已經是困難重重,特別是當性別不平衡的問題一直困擾著商業世界,實在足以令不少有心創業的女性卻步!以女性的身分創業是怎樣的經驗,她們又會遇到甚麼問題呢?我們很榮幸邀請到 Vera Lui(Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle Store),Kayla Wong(Basics for Basics),Lisa Lam (大杯茶),Ning Lau ——與我們分享她們成為女性企業家的經歷和心得!


    Early Bird|HK$80

    * All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Her Fund.

    90 mins | Cantonese

    Starting something new could be scary, especially when the business world is known for its gender imbalance. What is it like to start a business as a woman, and what are the problems they’d run into? We have the honor to have with us Vera Lui (Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle Store), Kayla Wong (Basics for Basics), Lisa Lam (Taboocha), Ning Lau – to share with us the inspiring stories of their journey on the road of becoming a female entrepreneur!

    HER Fund advances women and girls’ rights through grant-making, capacity building and resource development. We prioritize to support and give financial grants to improve the situation and protect the human rights of marginalized and grassroots women.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Talk 講座
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 8pm-9pm 電影放映
    9pm-10pm 廣東話分享會
    分享嘉賓:Jill Marshall (PAUSE 創辦人),風雨蘭



    52 分鐘|英語 (中文字幕)

    每四個女人中就有一人經歷家暴,你是否曾想過,「為什麼她們不離開呢?」,紀錄片《親密暴力》以兩位女人的私密故事粉碎我們殘酷的邏輯,看片中黛安娜•華特(Deanna Walters)如何療傷重生,與齊•谷艾爾(Kit Gruelle)如何聲張正義。

    導演:Cynthia Hill

    8pm-9pm Movie Screening
    9pm-10pm Cantonese Sharing Session
    Guest Speaker: Jill Marshall (Founder of PAUSE), RainLily

    Moderator: Sonia Wong

    Early Bird|HK$80

    52 mins|English with Chinese Subtitles

    Private Violence is a feature-length documentary film and audience engagement campaign that explores a simple, but deeply disturbing fact of American life: the most dangerous place for a woman in America is her own home. Every day in the US, at least four women are murdered by abusive (and often, ex) partners. The knee-jerk response is to ask: “why doesn’t she just leave?” The film challenges these entrenched and misleading assumptions, providing a lens into a world that is largely invisible. As the filmmaker follows the journey of Deanna the protagonist transforming from victim to survivor, Private Violence begins to shape powerful, new questions that hold the potential to change our society: “Why does he abuse?” “Why do we turn away?” “How do we begin to build a future without domestic violence?”

    Region: USA
    Director: Cynthia Hill
    Category : IIA

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

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    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 8

    Sep 8, 2018 星期六 Saturday

  • 早鳥價|HK$120

    60 分鐘|廣東話及英語

    「瑜珈幫助我們了解我們的身體」— 但這只是個抽象說法。瑜珈不單讓我們認識錯綜複雜的人體構造,更能幫助我們鍛鍊深入至內在的核心肌肉。此課程由認可瑜珈導師盧彥婷教授,集中練習伸展及肌肉強化技巧,適合任何希望更了解自己身體及輕鬆地接受親密接觸的人士,希望大家都可在舒適的環境下重拾情慾自主。


    - 瑜珈的體能技巧
    - 呼吸與伸展技巧,從而啟動性能量
    - 針對性及健康性生活的瑜珈式子

    * 歡迎任何性別人士參加
    * 學員衣著建議鬆身運動衫長褲
    * 學員請自備瑜珈墊及毛巾
    * 瑜伽練習最適合在在空腹時進行,所以請盡量在工作坊開始前2-3小時停止進食。
    * 緊記在課前和課後補充水分。


    60 mins|Cantonese & English

    Yoga improves our sexual health by teaching us how to inhabit our bodies, which is really just an abstract way of saying that we become familiar with the most intricate parts of our anatomy, all the way down to those internal core muscles. Certified Yoga Instructor, Stella Lo teaches stretching and strengthening techniques for people of all levels of ability and aim to become more aware of yourself and more comfortable with touch and intimacy. Let’s reclaim your sexuality on the yoga matt in a healing environment.

    It is a 60 minute class and a space for students to slowly but consistently build on:

    - the physical skills of yoga
    - breathing and stretching skills to ignite your sexual energy
    - yoga poses especially beneficial for sex and sexual health

    * All genders welcome
    * Please wear comfortable workout clothes.
    * Please bring your own yoga mat and towel.
    * Yoga is best enjoyed on an empty stomach, so eat lightly or not at all for 2-3 hours before.
    * Make sure to keep hydrated by drinking water both before and after class.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$150

    90 分鐘|廣東話


    * 請帶備紙筆以便參與寫作練習。

    Early Bird|HK$150

    90 mins|Cantonese

    Women are gifted with the potential of enjoying endless waves of orgasm. Through writing about women sexuality, we embrace and proclaim the beauty of female body and sexuality. Throughout the workshop with the guidance of poet, Kitty Hung, participants will dive into the classic literature where women desires are depicted as well as express their experiences in sexuality through writings . Through appreciation and creations, we surf on the waves of female sexual pleasure.

    * Please bring pen and paper for writing exercise.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$450

    90 分鐘 | 廣東話

    作為一名性教育家和香港第一家女性友好的情趣用品店 Sally's Toy 的創始人,Vera 一直致力推動女性性解放,並希望透過教育工作,消除社會上對於女性性自主的污名。

    在這90分鐘的工作坊上,Vera 將首先分享她第一身的情慾探索之旅。 然後她將逐步教導大家如何為自己帶來快感。 她將介紹:

    - 女性身體結構的深入解釋
    - 取悅陰蒂的技巧
    - 了解我們的 G-spot 和 A-spot
    - 增強性快感的小練習
    - 如何選擇適合你的情趣玩具?


    所有參加者將獲贈一部 Womanizer Starlet 超小型陰蒂吸啜器(價值HK $599)。

    Early Bird|HK$450

    90 mins | Cantonese

    As a sex educator and founder of the first female friendly intimate lifestyle store in Hong Kong, Vera is a forefront advocate for female sexual liberation and is on a long term mission of de-stigmatisation of sex for women.

    In this 90 mins seminar, Vera will start by sharing her personal journey of pleasure exploration. She will then teach step by step how we can pleasure a female body. She will cover the following intriguing topics:

    - In-depth explanation of female anatomy
    - Techniques to pleasure our crown jewel, clitoris
    - Discover our G-spot & A-spot
    - Exercise to enhance your sexual pleasure
    - How to choose your pleasure toy?

    This seminar is for women of all ages and stages of life to discover, explore and celebrate what it is to be a woman and in particular what it is to be a sexual woman.

    A Womanizer Starlet suction vibrator (Worth HK$599) will be given to all participants.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • * 只準 18 歲以上人士入場

    8pm-9:20pm 電影放映
    9:20pm-10pm 廣東話分享會
    主持:Louisa Tam (南華早報資深記者)


    78 分鐘|意大利語及英語 (英文字幕)

    七、八十年代,色情工業在意大利的影響力前所未見 —人們不只大膽談性,藝名Cicciolina的色情片女星Ilona Staller甚至當選議員,走入議會!當年色情片不只是宣洩情慾,更被視為抗爭與追求自由的工具,人們的共同語言,深深衝擊著當時正值轉型的社會與政治。《性無畏 / 天性愛自由》回首當年大膽奔放的情色歲月,訪問多位導演、艷星、學者、哲學家與女權主義者,原汁原味呈現這段史上最重要的性解放運動。

    導演:Carmine Amoroso

    * You must be above 18 to enter.

    8pm-9:20pm Movie Screening
    9:20pm-10pm Cantonese Sharing Session
    Moderator: Louisa Tam (SCMP Senior Reporter)
    Guest: Prof. Petula Ho (Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Adminstration, HKU)

    Early Bird|HK$80

    78 mins|Italian & English with English Subtitles

    During the 70’s & 80’s, the years of transformations of Italy, pornography became a tool of protest and liberation, a real language.

    The documentary brings to light a wide range of exclusive materials and interviews – pornographers, porn stars, writers, intellectuals, philosophers and feminists, from Lasse Braun to Riccardo Schicchi, from Marco Pannella to Ilona Staller, from Helena Velena to Judith Malina – who recall and recount what deserves to be defined as the most important sexual revolution in decades.

    Region: Italy
    Director: Carmine Amoroso
    Category : III

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260 (至 8 月 26 號)

    香港首個 Women’s Festival 的重頭戲,一個慶祝「自主、自愛、自由」的音樂派對,一眾超 fabulous 的表演嘉賓:變裝皇后 Coco Pop & frds、GTB 的 Serena 和 Ruby,翩翩的唱作歌手王嘉儀 Sophy Wong ,還有本地型女 DJ Cocoonics、將會落力演出! Lez's meeting 女人國的 AJ 和茜利妹亦會現身支持活動,讓大家在 Women’s Festival 閉幕前來個大解放!


    Early Bird|HK$260 (Til 26/8)

    Our 9-day festival is coming to an end! After 8 empowering and inspiring days, it's time to relax and have some fun! On Saturday night, we have a music party to celebrate SELF LOVE, SELF EXPRESSION, SELF CARE! With a line-up of super fabulous guests: Drag Queen Coco Pop & frds, DJ Cocoonics, Serena & Ruby of GTB, and singer-songwriter Sophy Wong - Hey Gurlllss let's party!

    *Ticket includes a bottle of local craft beer.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • Day 9

    Sep 9, 2018 星期日 Sunday

  • 早鳥價|HK$120

    60 分鐘|廣東話及英語



    - 伴侶瑜珈的體能技巧
    - 提昇身體柔軟度、強度、平衡、以及協助伴侶的技巧
    - 練習瑜珈能為身體帶來能量
    - 建立伴侶之間的信任及連結、改善溝通/聆聽、增加樂趣、治癒的親密接觸

    * 歡迎任何性別人士參加
    * 沒有拍擋同行也能一同參加,界時導師將配合完全動作
    * 學員衣著建議鬆身運動衫長褲
    * 學員請自備瑜珈墊及毛巾
    * 瑜伽練習最適合在在空腹時進行,所以請盡量在工作坊開始前2-3小時停止進食。
    * 緊記在課前和課後補充水分。

    Early Bird|HK$120

    60 mins|Cantonese & English

    All partner stretching and strengthening techniques have tremendous healing and therapeutic benefits; physically and emotionally. In this class, certified yoga instructor Stella Lo teaches these methods and techniques for people of all levels of ability and aim to challenge your strength, flexibility, and communication skills in a healing environment.

    It is a 60 minute class and a space for students to slowly but consistently build on:

    - the physical skills of partner yoga
    - flexibility, strength, balance, and partner-assisting skills
    - the energetic attributes of the practice
    - trust, communication, playfulness, connection, listening, healing touch

    * All genders welcome.
    * Student can join without a partner. Instructor will partner with students if needed.
    * Please wear comfortable workout clothes.
    * Please bring your own yoga mat and towel.
    * Yoga is best enjoyed on an empty stomach, so eat lightly or not at all for 2-3 hours before.
    * Make sure to keep hydrated by drinking water both before and after class.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$150

    90 分鐘|廣東話


    * 請參加者穿著寬鬆衣物及自備毛巾。

    Early Bird|HK$150

    90 mins|Cantonese

    We are always someone else's daughters, lovers and mothers, but rarely ourselves. Growing up, women are burdened by duties and emotions that cannot find an outlet. Sometimes we forget to love ourselves. In this workshop, Kitty Hung will introduce 10 essential oils that help restore the energy of love by the healing magic of Mother Earth. With simple fragrances and daily massage techniques, let us find comfort in the essence of nature, and regain our inner strength as women.

    * Please wear comfortable clothes and bring your own towel.

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$260

    90 分鐘|廣東話

    繩縛是縛與被縛者之間特殊的共同體驗,實踐過程在乎信任和溝通。繩縛導師 Aka Chow 從簡易的繩路入手,互相帶領進入縛與被縛的身體經驗,束縛與解放、鬆與緊、期待與扎掙、愛與責,重新認識對方和自己的身體感覺。工作坊內容適合初學者,包括基礎繩縛教學、安全事項、解說繩縛文化,也放開來談談身體、性/別、以及關於女性的一切。

    * 請學員穿著鬆身運動衫及長褲

    Early Bird|HK$260

    90 mins | Cantonese

    Bondage is the unique experience between the rigger and the rope bottom where they are connected not only by rope but trust and communication .Starting from the basics, rope artist, Aka Chow will lead participants into an extraordinary world of body experience where they will have a taste of being restrained and unleashed, being tied and freed, being cared and disciplined . In the arts of bondage, we are able to have a conversation with the body of ourselves and our partner. The workshop is suitable for beginners , content includes basic techniques, safety precautions , bondage culture and more about female body and sexuality.

    * Please wear comfortable clothes suitable for exercise.
    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    Workshop 工作坊
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
    Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • 早鳥價|HK$80

    8pm-10:00pm 電影放映
    10pm-10:30pm 廣東話分享會

    111 分鐘|粵語對白 (中英文字幕)



    Early Bird|HK$80

    8pm-10:00pm Movie Screening
    10pm-10:30pm Cantonese Sharing Session
    Guest: KY Wong (Artist)

    111 mins|Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles

    This is a story in 2005. Christy Lam is a typical city girl born and raised in Hong Kong. She is a month from turning 30, and has just begun to cope with the same struggles shared by most girls of the same age: the almost unbearable stress at work, her aging but annoying parents, and her seemingly stable yet stagnant relationship. All of these only add to her fear for this next chapter of her life. Wong Tin-Lok, on the other hand, is also turning 30 soon, but leads a vastly different life. She has never been in love, and her job is taking her nowhere. And yet, she has always kept an optimistic attitude towards life. On the verge of her next chapter, she makes a bold decision to just pick up her bags and fulfill her childhood dream. They have never met each other, and their personalities are night and day. But as fate would have it, Christy makes a temporary move into Wong's apartment. Through exploring Wong's diary, Christy not only discovers that they share the same birthday, but also learns about the bits and pieces of Wong's life. As their virtual bond grows, Christy begins to appreciate Wong's alternate approach to life, so much so that it becomes an integral part of Christy's own. Who has entered whose world? Director Kearen Pang has skillfully adapted her extremely successful stage play, graciously opening her heart to wider audiences in this sensitive, uplifting film.

    Region: Hong Kong
    Director: Kearan Pang
    Category : I

    * 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
    * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended

    購票 Ticket:

      - 先選日期
      - 再選這個節目

    How to buy:
      - Select date.
      - Select this program.
    放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing
    Kino @ Eaton House
    香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
    Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong