
Our Sponsors

The Womanizer Group 是專門研發高品質情趣用品的國際品牌,在世界各地如柏林、三藩市及香港都設有分部。由 Michael Lenke 於2013年創辦,以首創的非接觸陰蒂氣壓技術(Pleasure Air Technology®)為女性高潮帶來獨特享受。Womanizer 多年來一直以讓女性有更優質的情慾體驗為品牌理念,其產品深受國際用家歡迎,於全球50多個國家均有發售。

The Womanizer Group is a globally active company with locations in Berlin, San Francisco and Hong Kong, which has specialised in the development of high-quality products to enhance your love life. Founded in 2013 by Michael Lenke, with the invention of Pleasure Air Technology®,Womanizer has grown brand globally through their commitment to women to make orgasms a standard, as they break down the stigmas of female sexuality. the products are now sold in more than 50 countries worldwide.


岡本株式會社創立于昭和九年 (1934年),是世界上最早開始生產安全套的廠家之一。公司總部設於日本東京。岡本株式會社多年來一直以”New Basic – 科研提高生活水平”為公司宗旨,以提供對人類的生活有用處的優質產品為目標,不斷研發高質素的新產品。自上世紀30年代創建至今,岡本安全套在日本市場的銷量始終保持第一的位置,市場佔有率更高達百分之六十五。

作為日本最大規模的橡膠乳膠制品生產商,岡本目前開發及生產的橡膠、乳膠制品包括安全套、膠帶、手套、輪胎、醫療器械、戶外活動、女性洗液、暖包、暖貼、防霉除濕劑、及運動等用品。 產品安全、舒適的品質一直深受日本及世界各地消費者的青睞。「竭盡所能使消費者滿意」是岡本株式會社一貫追求最基本的價值,在未來的日子裏,岡本將繼續以無限的創意、高品質的標準,製造出更多更好的以人為本、以人類環境為本的優質產品。

Okamoto Industries Inc. was established in 1934, one of the famous condom manufacturers in the world. The objective of our company is “New Basic – Enhance Living Standard by advance Science”. Together with our clear objective, we keep creating high quality and useful products for different mankind. From the 1930s until today, Okamoto remains the top selling condom brand in Japan, holding a highest market share.

Being the biggest condom manufacturer in Japan, Okamoto keep developing the business with diversifications for other products. We are producing different kind of products, including condoms, rubber band, gloves, tires, medical devices, Lady Wash (Douche), Heating Pads, Dehumidifier, outdoor activities equipment, sport gears. Okamoto products are safe, user friendly and have always been greatly accepted by Japanese and worldwide consumers. “Doing its best to strive for consumer’s satisfaction” has always been a slogan and the target which Okamoto makes every effort to be achieved. In the coming future, Okamoto will use its limitless creativity and high quality standards as a guide to create and manufacture more premium and quality products in order to bring better life to different consumers!



About Young Master Brewery-Hong Kong’s Own Artisanal Ales
Young Master Brewery was born out of a desire to brew distinctive, world-class, extremely fresh beers locally for Hong Kong. Founded by Rohit Dugar in 2013, Young Master aims to revive craft brewing in Hong Kong and bring the local drinking experience up a notch. The beers are brewed fresh with the highest quality ingredients that are not filtered, pasteurized, or without artificial stabilizers or chemicals. Young Master will constantly innovate and bring new styles to showcase the diversity in beer. Young Master beer will be the freshest you can find in Hong Kong with the shortest distance traveled from grain to your glass.


Ztore.com 是一間提供方便送貨服務的網上超級市場,除一般大眾品牌的糧油雜貨外,士多採購團隊本著 「送上更好生活」的宗旨,替您嚴選多款優質、天然、合符社會責任的產品,以及一般在市場上罕見的小衆商品。

Ztore.com are an online supermarket with convenience delivery service. Besides providing mass brand groceries, our goal is to “Deliver A Better Living”. We have specifically selected an exclusive range of products that is most suitable to your needs. These products are with great quality, natural, socially responsible, and niche.



“LEZS” is the only all-round lesbian magazine in the Chinese-speaking world, and it is the most influential lesbian fashion lifestyle magazine in Asia. Content spans from women’s rights, fashion and LGBTQ issues. It brings the latest gender perspective, neutral avant-garde fashion, contemporary art trends to readers. It is presenting a new generations of women and queer to Asia.


Supported By

MUM 成立於2012年, 跌跌碰碰, 直到 2016開始從日本跟麻生怜菜老師學習精進料理. 我們的日常野菜料理以此作為基礎,配合在香港能找到的食材所設計. 我們深信懷着對大自然感謝嘅心, 修鍊自己, 才能找到真正美味 : 生活的美,人情之味.

Founded in 2012, MUM had a rough start, and by 2016, we finally began to learn Shōjin Ryōrifrom our teacher in Japan. We use the principles of Shōjin Ryōrias the basis of out menu, and adapt the methods to ingredients available in Hong Kong. We are grateful for the gifts of Nature, and hope that our food can remind people of the beauty of life and the warmth of human connections.


CNEX 為一非營利性質的民間文創組織,由兩岸三地熱愛紀錄片的人士組成,目前由北京國際交流協會、臺灣蔣見美教授文教基金會、香港 CNEX 基金會共同推動。以開展文化資源、培育文化創意人才、促進華人社會和諧進步與華人文化的可持續性發展為願景,期望透過紀實文藝促進國際社會與華人的文化交流。並在大變遷的全球化時代,提供華人新一代紀實創作者及其文藝作品的創作與交流平臺,幫助更多的專業人士以影音和文字的形式留下華人社會發展的生態軌跡。

CNEX is the short form of “Chinese Next” and “See Next”. It’s a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people. CNEX strives to facilitate cultural exchange between Chinese and the rest of the world through supporting documentaries depicting contemporary Chinese – people of Chinese ethnicity, their living and their society.