守護者 The Helper
Day 5
Sep 5, 2018 星期三 Wednesday8:00pm - 10:00pm
放映會及映後分享 Screening & Sharing 由女影香港策劃 Curated by Reel Women HK香港職工會聯盟 HKCTU 本地工人團隊 HK Workforce Union黃鈺螢 Sonia Wong WFHK 創辦人 / Founder of Reel Women HK白恩逢之家 The Bethune House 本地移民工庇護中心 HK Migrant Women’s Refuge
* 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「白恩逢之家 」。
106 分鐘 | 英語
8pm-9:45pm 電影放映
9:45pm-10:30pm 製作團隊映後分享會(英語主講)
《守護者》通過一系列真實故事,從多方面展現了香港外籍家庭傭工群體堅強、堅定且自豪的品格,動人心弦。在香港富裕奢華的光環背後,這群女性不僅要照顧雇主的家庭,還需支持自己在遠方的親人。對於很多本地孩子來說,她們可謂是第二個母親,是香港家庭的凝固劑;同時,她們背井離鄉,無法照顧自己的孩子,但為了能夠給他們提供更好的經濟支持而選擇背負思念親人的痛苦。《守護者》將她們作出的個人犧牲以及對香港社會的貢獻呈現於觀眾眼前。 外傭群體在香港常遭誤解與詬病,而《守護者》意在以積極的語調和外傭們勵志感人的故事邀請觀眾走入她們的世界,聆聽她們的心聲。
導演:Joanna Bowers
「白恩逢之家 」女移民工庇護中心(或名白恩逢之家)於1986年由移民工牧民中心成立,是一個在本港公司條例下註冊的慈善團體,提供慈善服務和社會輔導予有需要的移民工及其家庭。
Early Bird|HK$80
* All net proceeds from this seminar will go to The Bethune House.
106 mins | English
8pm-9:45pm Movie Screening
9:45pm-10:30pm Sharing Session by Director and Cast (In English)
We also invite friends from Bethune home - a community-supported emergency shelter for migrant women in crisis, as well as members from local workers’ organisation, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (the HKCTU) to share with us their work.
Moderator: Sonia Wong
In a city renowned for wealth and luxury, The Helper brings to light the sacrifices they make to support families - both in Hong Kong and at home. Often seen as the second mother in many homes, the stories show the immense contribution they make to Hong Kong society; a domestic backbone provided to so many. This is in the face of heart-breaking separation from their loved ones. Each feel wrenched from families, often missing crucial stages in their children’s lives, but do so willingly in order to financially provide for them. But the overriding message is a positive one. The Helper gives a human face to an often-critiqued community, countering negativity with uplifting stories of personal achievement.
Region: Hong Kong
Director: Joanna Bowers
Category : TBC
The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge is a registered charitable institution under the companies ordinance in Hong Kong. It was established in 1986 under the Mission for Migrant Workers to provide charitable assistance and social counseling to the needy migrant workers and their families.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/Sz4ZyhiaP3I
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
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How to buy:
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- Select this program.放映會及映後分享 Screening & SharingWhereKino @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong