2008年與友人成立了位於香港賽馬會創意藝術中心 (JCCAC) L5-16的 W Studio,2011-12年遠征歐洲尋找更多創作靈感及機會,於倫敦、西班牙、波蘭等地發表裝置行為作品。2014年起以台灣作為他遊歷修行的其中一個主要據點,其作品已遍佈寶島不同地方。Winston深知除了以人慣性的表層意識了解世界外,人生還有很多肉眼看不到的平面,所以他慢慢把藝術與生命融為一體,用天賦的創意直覺體驗生存真諦。
Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He found W Studio at Jockey Club Creative Art Centre in Hong Kong with two partners in 2008 and later went on an artistic expedition in Europe from 2011-12 and continued the journey in Taiwan from 2014-17. He has participated in numerous art exhibitions as well as taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Spain, Poland, and the United States.