【Sold out】伴侶繩縛工作坊
Tie Me Up With Your Love: Bondage Workshop
Day 9
Sep 9, 2018 星期日 Sunday5:00pm - 6:30pm
Aka Chow 繩縛導師 Rope Artist
90 分鐘|廣東話
繩縛是縛與被縛者之間特殊的共同體驗,實踐過程在乎信任和溝通。繩縛導師 Aka Chow 從簡易的繩路入手,互相帶領進入縛與被縛的身體經驗,束縛與解放、鬆與緊、期待與扎掙、愛與責,重新認識對方和自己的身體感覺。工作坊內容適合初學者,包括基礎繩縛教學、安全事項、解說繩縛文化,也放開來談談身體、性/別、以及關於女性的一切。
* 請學員穿著鬆身運動衫及長褲
Early Bird|HK$260
90 mins | Cantonese
Bondage is the unique experience between the rigger and the rope bottom where they are connected not only by rope but trust and communication .Starting from the basics, rope artist, Aka Chow will lead participants into an extraordinary world of body experience where they will have a taste of being restrained and unleashed, being tied and freed, being cared and disciplined . In the arts of bondage, we are able to have a conversation with the body of ourselves and our partner. The workshop is suitable for beginners , content includes basic techniques, safety precautions , bondage culture and more about female body and sexuality.
* Please wear comfortable clothes suitable for exercise.* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereAnita
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong