Aesop 抗氧護膚工作坊
Aesop Anti-Oxidants Skincare Workshop
Day 3
Sep 3, 2018 星期一 Monday6:00pm - 7:00pm
60 分鐘|廣東話
誠邀您參加 Aesop 護膚工作坊。Aesop 的專業人員會在舒適融洽的氣氛中,透過親身體驗的方式,帶領您了解日常生活中抗氧化的知識及方案。
* 將提供茶點
購買任何門票5張或以上,即送您由 Aesop 贊助的抗氧護膚工作坊,據聞上完堂仲會有佢地的產品送~
60 mins|Cantonese
Aesop is hosting a gathering devoted to skin care with a focus on anti-oxidants. Our skilled team will guide participants through an intimate, hands-on experience, giving the opportunity to apply formulations to the face in order to experience the aroma, texture and finish on the skin.
* Light refreshments will be provided.
Buy 5 and more tickets of any events. And you get a free Aesop workshop!
Places are limited. You will receive an email after you buy 5 tickets. Remember to rsvp when you get our email!
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereConference Room @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong