【Sold out】嗌一場「好」交:伴侶衝突工作坊
Getting into “Fights” Nonviolently: A Workshop on Conflict Transformation for Couples
Day 2
Sep 2, 2018 星期日 Sunday4:00pm - 5:30pm
曹文傑博士 Dr. Joseph Cho 中文大學性別研究課程講師 Full Time Lecturer, CUHK
90 分鐘 | 以廣東話授課
人際衝突可以造成傷害與分離,亦可以帶來更深的理解和親密,兩者的分別取決於吵得臉紅耳熱之際,我們心懷什麼意識和具備哪些技巧。這節工作坊將引介「非暴力溝通」(Nonviolent Communication)這套工具,重新認識衝突的本質,並設有多個即場練習,涵蓋衝突前、衝突中和衝突後的具體情境,培養「嗌一場『好』交」的聆聽、表達、回饋和協商等各種能力,好讓我們在攻擊與退讓之外,做到更有意識、更滿足彼此需要的回應。
女同學社 (Nu Tong Xue She) 成立於2005年9月,是一個由同志社群創辦和經營的倡議組織(advocacy group),成員包括女∕男同志、雙性愛同志、跨性別人士,以及對同志友善的異性戀者。
Early Bird|HK$180
* 50% net proceeds from this seminar will go to NTXS.
90 mins | In Cantonese
Interpersonal conflicts can cause harm and separation, and can also lead to deeper understanding and intimacy. The difference between the two depends on the level of consciousness and skills that we have when we are triggered in conflict. This workshop will understand the nature of conflicts in new light through the lens of Nonviolent Communication. There will be a number of on-site exercises that cover specific situations before, during and after conflicts to cultivate a variety of abilities such as listening, expressing, reflecting, and negotiating. With these abilities, we are more able to make conscious and mutually satisfying responses beyond attack or submission.
About the Beneficiary:
NTXS is a volunteer-run, education and cultural advocacy collective for and by members from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Hong Kong.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
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How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereKino @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong