【Sold out】愛上少爺的女人:啤酒試飲會
Beer Tasting: Women in the Craft Beer Industry
Day 2
Sep 2, 2018 星期日 Sunday6:30pm - 7:30pm
少爺麥啤 Young Master 香港本地手工啤酒 Local Craft Beer Brewery
* 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「婦女動力基金」
60 分鐘|廣東話
嘉賓:Ronda (Operations Manager of Young Master Brewery, Founder of Tipsy Darcy, BJCP Recognized Beer Judge, Cicerone Certified Beer Server), Fish (Former Manager of The Ale Project ,Cicerone Certified Beer Server, BJCP Certified Beer Judge), Stella: (Beer enthusiastwho started working in the drinks business since 2007), Belle (Co-founders of HK Brewcraft, First BJCP National Beer Judge in Asia, Cicerone Certified Beer Server)
主持:譚凱蔚 Ashley Tam (Young Master Retail Executive)
熱愛啤酒又對性別議題有興趣的你,千萬不能錯過這個手工啤酒品嚐 x 女性啤酒從業員的分享會!我們與本地手工啤酒品牌《少爺啤》合作,為大家帶來一系列口味獨特的啤酒,更邀請到四位在本地手工啤酒行業裡面獨當一面的型格女子作分享!
每名參加者將品嚐 4 款啤酒。
Early Bird|HK$150
* All net proceeds from this workshop will go to Her Fund
60 mins|Cantonese
Speaker:Ronda (Operations Manager of Young Master Brewery, Founder of Tipsy Darcy, BJCP Recognized Beer Judge, Cicerone Certified Beer Server), Fish (Former Manager of The Ale Project ,Cicerone Certified Beer Server, BJCP Certified Beer Judge), Stella: (Beer enthusiastwho started working in the drinks business since 2007), Belle (Co-founders of HK Brewcraft, First BJCP National Beer Judge in Asia, Cicerone Certified Beer Server)
Moderator: Ashley Tam (Young Master Retail Executive)
All beer lovers are invited to join this sharing and beer tasting workshop at Eaton HK. You’ll have the opportunity to know more about local craft beer - from brewing to beer tasting. You will get to taste several beers from Young Master Brewery, guided by 4 pioneering badass ladies behind the scenes in the industry, and explore themes from craft beer, gender, to diversity!
Each participant will taste 4 types of beer.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊Where1/F Reception @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店
Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong