【Sold out】日常野菜精進料理班
Japanese Buddhist Vegetarian Cuisine
Day 3
Sep 3, 2018 星期一 Monday3:00pm - 5:00pm
MUM 香港日式素菜料理餐廳 HK Japanese Vegetarian Cuisine Restaurant
120 分鐘|廣東話
精進料理是日本傳統素菜,始於鎌倉時代. 「精進」原為佛教用語,意指屏除雜念,一心修行. 最初供襌寺僧侶食用,後來逐漸擴展至民間。其調味和烹調方法,對往後日本料理發展極具影響。精進料理注重營養均衡的陰陽五行概念. 基本形以一汁三菜依據甜、辣、酸,鹹、苦的「五味」,紅、綠、黃、白、黑的「五色」,烤、煮、炸,蒸,切(生食)的「五法」此三大原則料理,在備膳用餐時表現出自然之美。
MUM 素食餐廳創辦人 Pokit 將於料理初心班和大家一起研習以下菜目:
* 學員請自備食物盒以便攜帶製成品回家。
Early Bird|HK$260
120 mins|Cantonese
“Shōjin Ryōri” is the tradition of Zen vegetarian cooking of Japan that can be dated back to the Kamakura period (12th Century). “Shōjin” is a Buddhist concept that emphasizes “devotion” and “mindfulness”. “Shōjin Ryōri” started as a cuisine prepared exclusively for monks living in temples and monasteries, but later became popularized among the general public. The Zen style of cooking is most influential in shaping the development of Japanese cuisine. “Shōjin Ryōri” aims at capturing the beauty of nature through food, and enhances our appreciation for the passage of time and changing of the Seasons.
Vegetarian Restaurant, MUM's founder Pokit will share his recipes on the following menu:
Mushroom and carrot rice
Vegetable miso soup
Spinach with sesame
Vegetarian wrap
Cold tomato with pomelo vinegar
Burdock & carrot in Kinpira style
* Participants are required to prepare their own food containers to bring the finished products home.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereConference Room @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong