Happy Retirement Seminar
Day 4
Sep 4, 2018 星期二 Tuesday4:30pm - 6:00pm
黃沛霖博士 Dr Adrian Wong 臨床心理學家 Clinical Psychologist李慧逸 Sannie Wai Yat Li 明愛全樂軒 助理社會工作主任葉李淑儀 Angela Ip 資深輔導員 Senior Counselor廖潔然 Kelly Liu 記者 Journalist
* 本場門票收益扣除成本後將全數捐助「大銀力量」。
90 分鐘 | 廣東話
「我無用㗎啦,而家唔需要我啦⋯⋯」、「我又老又煩,你哋都唔想理我!」⋯⋯ 你的父母會瀕瀕說出這種話嗎?身為子女明明已經常常抽空陪伴,也盡量給予足夠的家用,父母為何還是不開心、不滿足,甚至總是埋怨子女「掉低」自己?如果你也有這些煩惱,或者你要留意一下,父母會不會已經患上情緒病,例如抑鬱症?有情緒病,家人又不察覺,便很容易影響親子和夫妻關係。
早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
正價 Regular|HK$60
* All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Big Silver.
90 mins | Cantonese
Ageing is a process that we all have to face. Women entering retiring age not only need to deal with the change of body conditions (e.g menopause, downfall of body wellness) and environment but also the shift of roles . When graduating from the career and the role of family caregiver, emptiness will become a big issue to deal with. The perception of oneself not being needed may lead to crisis in self image and self esteem as well as undue stress.
During the talk, a clinical psychologist/ scholar, social worker and a retired lady will share how women can prepare for the change of social and family role during their new stage of life and what signals should they be aware of for emotion meltdown. Who's up for tips to embrace their silverhood?
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
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How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Talk 講座WhereKino @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong