【Sold out】Womanizer 呈獻:女性身體探索工作坊
Womanizer Presents: Explore Your Body Workshop
Day 8
Sep 8, 2018 星期六 Saturday5:00pm - 6:30pm
呂穎恒 Vera Lui WFHK 創辦人 / Founder of Sally Coco
90 分鐘 | 廣東話
作為一名性教育家和香港第一家女性友好的情趣用品店 Sally's Toy 的創始人,Vera 一直致力推動女性性解放,並希望透過教育工作,消除社會上對於女性性自主的污名。
在這90分鐘的工作坊上,Vera 將首先分享她第一身的情慾探索之旅。 然後她將逐步教導大家如何為自己帶來快感。 她將介紹:
- 女性身體結構的深入解釋
- 取悅陰蒂的技巧
- 了解我們的 G-spot 和 A-spot
- 增強性快感的小練習
- 如何選擇適合你的情趣玩具?
所有參加者將獲贈一部 Womanizer Starlet 超小型陰蒂吸啜器(價值HK $599)。
Early Bird|HK$450
90 mins | Cantonese
As a sex educator and founder of the first female friendly intimate lifestyle store in Hong Kong, Vera is a forefront advocate for female sexual liberation and is on a long term mission of de-stigmatisation of sex for women.
In this 90 mins seminar, Vera will start by sharing her personal journey of pleasure exploration. She will then teach step by step how we can pleasure a female body. She will cover the following intriguing topics:
- In-depth explanation of female anatomy
- Techniques to pleasure our crown jewel, clitoris
- Discover our G-spot & A-spot
- Exercise to enhance your sexual pleasure
- How to choose your pleasure toy?
This seminar is for women of all ages and stages of life to discover, explore and celebrate what it is to be a woman and in particular what it is to be a sexual woman.
A Womanizer Starlet suction vibrator (Worth HK$599) will be given to all participants.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereKino @ Eaton House
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 1 樓
Level 1, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong