【Sold out】健康性生活瑜珈班
Yoga for sexual health
Day 8
Sep 8, 2018 星期六 Saturday12:00noon - 1:00pm
盧彥婷 Stella Lo 認可瑜珈導師 Certified Yoga Instructor
60 分鐘|廣東話及英語
「瑜珈幫助我們了解我們的身體」— 但這只是個抽象說法。瑜珈不單讓我們認識錯綜複雜的人體構造,更能幫助我們鍛鍊深入至內在的核心肌肉。此課程由認可瑜珈導師盧彥婷教授,集中練習伸展及肌肉強化技巧,適合任何希望更了解自己身體及輕鬆地接受親密接觸的人士,希望大家都可在舒適的環境下重拾情慾自主。
- 瑜珈的體能技巧
- 呼吸與伸展技巧,從而啟動性能量
- 針對性及健康性生活的瑜珈式子
* 歡迎任何性別人士參加
* 學員衣著建議鬆身運動衫長褲
* 學員請自備瑜珈墊及毛巾
* 瑜伽練習最適合在在空腹時進行,所以請盡量在工作坊開始前2-3小時停止進食。
* 緊記在課前和課後補充水分。
60 mins|Cantonese & English
Yoga improves our sexual health by teaching us how to inhabit our bodies, which is really just an abstract way of saying that we become familiar with the most intricate parts of our anatomy, all the way down to those internal core muscles. Certified Yoga Instructor, Stella Lo teaches stretching and strengthening techniques for people of all levels of ability and aim to become more aware of yourself and more comfortable with touch and intimacy. Let’s reclaim your sexuality on the yoga matt in a healing environment.
It is a 60 minute class and a space for students to slowly but consistently build on:
- the physical skills of yoga
- breathing and stretching skills to ignite your sexual energy
- yoga poses especially beneficial for sex and sexual health
* All genders welcome
* Please wear comfortable workout clothes.
* Please bring your own yoga mat and towel.
* Yoga is best enjoyed on an empty stomach, so eat lightly or not at all for 2-3 hours before.
* Make sure to keep hydrated by drinking water both before and after class.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
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How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereAnita
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong