朱子穎校長,於2004開始推動「電子書包」工作,並積極參與各項有關資訊科技及創新教育活動,主講相關講座逾300多次。連續三年爲卓越教師最傑出教師 (2008、2011、2012及2013年度)。2010年,於Microsoft「香港創意教師2010」比賽獲得「香港創意教師」及「教師中的教師」。四度代表香港,出席位於巴西、南非、華盛頓及布拉格舉辦的「全球創意教育比賽」。2013年起出任浸信會天虹小學的校長,成為全港最年輕的津貼小學校長,在校內推動體驗式教育,五年內將天虹小學從六班殺校邊緣挽救為22班。於2016共同創辦「DreamStarter啟夢者計劃」,將下午課堂變成由學生主導的夢想實現活動,數年內已由天虹小學推動到全港11間學校。
Principal Chu has been responsible for the planning of the “Electronic Schoolbag as a Medium for Teaching, Learning and Assignment” programme since 2004. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE) since 2004. Recently he gave a TEDx talk with the topic “Is education to constrain or set free”. He has also received the “Innovative Teachers of Hong Kong” award and honored as “The Best of the Teachers in e-Learning Best Practice 2010 Competition”; as well as Microsoft Most Valued Teacher 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He became the principal of Baptist Rainbow Primary School since 2013. The school was on the verge of shutting its doors and turned to be considered one of the most innovative local schools and be affectionately known as “a place for happy learning” among its pupils and parents. He co-found “DreamStarter” in 2016, which is an innovative education initiative, which requires participating schools to break through the traditional way of one-way teaching by changing the class schedules, and allowing students to pursue their dream for social good.