風雨蘭因雨後開花而得名,外表柔弱卻能夠經歷風雨,生命力強。本港首 間一站式性暴力危機支援中心於2000年成立,取名「風雨蘭」,寄意性暴 力受害人即使遭受風雨蹂躪,仍能在雨後開花,積極面對人生。風雨蘭專 為十四歲或以上受性暴力傷害的女性提供二十四小時服務。作為各項服 務的協調機制,風雨蘭免費提供包括即時輔導、法醫檢查、錄取口供、提供 事後避孕、性病檢查及預防治療、法律資訊等適切支援,協助遭受性暴力 的女性重建自尊自信。現時,風雨蘭每年為超過200名性暴力受害人提供 支援服務及接獲逾2,000個求助電話。
風雨蘭性暴力支援熱線: 2375 5322
Rainlily earned its name because it often flowers within days of rainfall. Despite its fragile appearance, it can weather through storms. Established in 2000, Hong Kong’s first one-stop crisis center for sexual violence vic- tims is named ‘RainLily’ with a symbolic meaning and a belief that victims can live a positive life despite having experienced trauma. RainLily provides round-the-clock services including psychological support, forensic medical examination, pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infections screening and treatment and legal process support (state- ment-taking and court hearing) to female victims aged 14 years or above. Every year, RainLily provides support to over 200 victims and handles over 2,000 hotline calls.
RainLily Sexual Violence Helpline: 2375 5322