OAMA 計劃發起人 Marina 及 Babie 曾經歷過小產,與其他準媽媽一樣,懷孕時正在期待著自己的孩子呱呱落地時,胎兒卻由於染色體問題或其他先天疾病,又或者畸形匆匆而去,她們還未來得及享受新生兒的喜悅,就必須接受孩子離去的悲慘現實,留下的只有傷心欲絕的情緒。但是,她們的聲音和苦痛卻極少被關注。因此她們希望以此計劃支持其他流產媽媽。
Two of the Founding Partners of OAMA: Marina Watt and Babie Li, have experienced miscarriage on their first and/or second pregnancies and they felt so hopeless in finding information or the support that they need in the community. Over time, they finally gathered themselves and moved on. Through finding each other, and having the ability to talk about their own feelings, and exchange ideas, they decided to volunteer themselves in setting up Hong Kong’s first ever platform – OAMA.