Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre 是心理學家亦是性別研究學者,以極優等榮譽畢業於菲律賓聖道頓馬士大學(PHD),其碩土及博土論文的研究對象均為跨性別女性。現於香港大學任教大學通識中的 Gender and Sexuality 。同時致力於倡導性小眾運動。現為菲律賓跨性別女性倡導者協會 (STRAP)的決策成員,參與推動菲律賓跨性別群眾權益的社會運動,為跨性別群眾提供協助。她亦為國際LGBTI聯合會(ILGA)其中一位跨性別秘書處的代表。
Dr.Brenda Rodriguez Alegre 活躍於大眾媒體, 定期在社交媒體和專欄書寫跨性別人士的生活經歷和心路歷程,亦常被邀請到電視或電台節目講談性小眾的議題,藉此消取大眾對跨性別人士的誤解。她同時為性小眾合唱團Harmonic 的女高音。
Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre is a psychologist and social advocate. She completed her PHD degree in Psychology at the University of Santo Tomas, with Magna Cum Laude honors. Both of her MA thesis and PhD dissertation were about transgender women. She now teaches Sexuality and Gender at University of Hong Kong as a lecturer.
Being active in LGBT advocacy, she is currently among the Board of Directors of STRAP (The Society of Transsexual Women Advocates of the Philippines) which is the pioneer transgender rights advocacy and support organization in the Philippines.She also involves in International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) as one of the Trans secretariat.
She has regularly written articles on transgender people’s experience and is often invited to TV and radio news and programs to talk about related topics. Being the choir soprano in The Harmonics, an LGBTQIA choir, she was also nominated for 2018 LGBT + Public Champion in Hong Kong.