正念資深導師,國際非暴力溝通中心非暴力溝通認證培訓師候選人,梅村正念學院正念導師培訓畢業生,「正念喜悅生活」創辦人。自2000年起修習正念,於2002年起將正念引入任教的中學中。2011年開始教授老師將正念融入教學。創立「聯校學生心靈大使培育」計劃,培育學生在學校推廣正念。著有《水裡浪花》、《Miss Bell Bell正念生活課》、《幸福學校的酵母:學生心靈大使》及《梅村「Wake Up」女孩》等,碩士論文《Mindful Parenting:如何幫助父母與子女相處?》。現於《佛門網》撰寫兩個專欄:【正念父母】及【非暴力X正念溝通]
Christine Cheung graduated from Plum Village Mindfulness Academy’s mindfulness tutor programme. Since 2001, she has followed Thích Nhất Hạnh to cultivate Buddhism and applied mindfulness in education the following year. She has been sharing mindfulness with teachers, students, parents, social workers and government staffs for more than a decade. In 2014, she set up a meditation group called Mindful Joyful Parenting. Her books include “Waves in the water”, “The yeast of happiness school: Spiritual Student Ambassador”, “Plum Village Wake Up Girl” etc. Master’s thesis “Mindful Parenting: How to help parents getting along with their children?”