Coco Pop 於 2002 年在香港開展了她的變裝皇后生涯,從傳奇的製作公司 House of Siren 開始,Coco 現時固定在全港最大型以及歷史最悠久的同志夜總會 Propaganda 演出。
Coco在本地的LGBT社群非常活躍,十多年來,她一直在香港各大著名的同志場所及派對上演出,包括 Club 97、Psychic Jack、Play、Wink 及 Works 等,在 2015 年 Clockenflap 音樂節中,她也曾參與大愛同盟音樂會的演出。2014 年,Coco 與其他四位音樂人組成搖滾樂隊「Coco and the Beasts」,是香港第一支變裝皇后擔任主音的樂隊。
除舞台演出外,Coco 也熱心參與同運工作,自 2008 年起,她與香港同志遊行合作,成為該活動每年的壓軸表演嘉賓;Coco 同時是香港同志電影節的籌委會成員及主持人,亦曾與「關懷愛滋」合作製作網上教育宣傳片。
Coco現為香港首個LGBT電台節目《自己人》的主持人之一 。
Coco Pop began her drag career in Hong Kong in 2002, commencing in the legendary production house, House of Siren, and working in the biggest and longest running LGBT night club, Propaganda.
Coco has worked amongst and has been supporting the local LGBT community longer that just about anyone else. She has performed at Club 97, Psychic Jack, Play, Wink, Works and all of the city’s important LGBT venues and parties over more than a decade.
Coco is active in the local LGBT community and is a favourite contributor of local LGBT organisations. She has partnered with the Hong Kong Pride Parade as the event’s headline act since 2008; has been an organising team member and host of the Hong Kong Lesbian & Gay Film Festival; produced online education videos with local NGO – AIDS Concern; supporting performer in Big Love Alliance’s music show in Clockenflap 2015; is one of the hosts of Hong Kong’s first LGBT Radio show – We are Family which is on a public channel RTHK2 and is still on air on every Saturday night.
In 2014, Coco set up her very own rock band with four other rock musicians, Coco and the Beasts, who went on to be Hong Kong’s very first band fronted by a drag queen.