糖不甩是一個由一班希望改善香港性教育的熱心分子發起的性健康網上平台。這個項目由大學生發起,及後得到不同人士的支持,例如大學教授、中學老師、社工、性治療師、醫生等等。糖不甩更得到Social Entrepreneurship for Sexual Health (SESH)及香港家庭指導會的全力支持,提供顧問服務,更積極與不同的社區團體合作,推動性教育發展。糖不甩於2014年獲選加入賽馬會“創不同”學院 “累積學習”計劃及 得到UnLtd Hong Kong的資助。2015年得到HER Fund的資助。
Julia Sun is the co-founder of Sticky Rice Love online sexual health platform which aims at promoting sexual health and improving sex education. She hopes that more people could feel comfortable and confident with their sexuality. She is also passionate on sexual health research and is now a clinical psychology student.
About Sticky Rice Love
Sticky Rice Love is a resource for young people to discuss and understand sexual health. Whether you’re curious or want to check the facts, we aim to provide reliable information to your questions.