開展新事業本身已經是困難重重,特別是當性別不平衡的問題一直困擾著商業世界,實在足以令不少有心創業的女性卻步!以女性的身分創業是怎樣的經驗,她們又會遇到甚麼問題呢?我們很榮幸邀請到 Vera Lui(Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle Store),Kayla Wong(Basics for Basics),Lisa Lam (大杯茶),Ning Lau ——與我們分享她們成為女性企業家的經歷和心得!
* All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Her Fund.
90 mins | Cantonese
Starting something new could be scary, especially when the business world is known for its gender imbalance. What is it like to start a business as a woman, and what are the problems they’d run into? We have the honor to have with us Vera Lui (Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle Store), Kayla Wong (Basics for Basics), Lisa Lam (Taboocha), Ning Lau – to share with us the inspiring stories of their journey on the road of becoming a female entrepreneur!
HER Fund advances women and girls’ rights through grant-making, capacity building and resource development. We prioritize to support and give financial grants to improve the situation and protect the human rights of marginalized and grassroots women.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結 * Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended