MUM 成立於2012年,跌跌碰碰,直到2016開始從日本跟麻生怜菜老師學習精進料理。我們的日常野菜料理以此作為基礎,配合在香港能找到的食材所設計。我們深信懷着對大自然感謝嘅心,修鍊自己,才能找到真正美味 : 生活的美,人情之味。
Founded in 2012, MUM had a rough start, and by 2016, we finally began to learn Shōjin Ryōrifrom our teacher in Japan. We use the principles of Shōjin Ryōrias the basis of out menu, and adapt the methods to ingredients available in Hong Kong. We are grateful for the gifts of Nature, and hope that our food can remind people of the beauty of life and the warmth of human connections.