Vera Lui 在2011年創辦了 Sally Coco 品牌——香港首個女性友善的 Intimate Lifestyle 成人用品性商店。Vera 在香港土生土長,感受到香港對「性」的污名化和種種忌諱。Vera 眼見自己和身邊人也因為性教育不足而深受其害,於是決定著手改變。在 2012 年,她開設了一個 YouTube 頻道,致力推行性教育,現在已經擁有約 8 萬訂閱人數以及逾 1700 萬的點擊率。有賴多年來在工作中遇到的不同女孩,與她們真誠溝通以後,Vera 發現到一個女人要得到性愉悅,甚至是心靈上的滿足感,其實必須先由愛自己出發。
因此 Vera 與 Eaton Workshop 合辦了 Women’s Festival ,希望提供一個開放而友善的平台,讓女性可以自由探索和交流更多「自愛」的主題,例如對自己的身體抱持正面態度、女性身心健康、母親的角色和困境、身心靈話題、情欲自主等等 —— 由所有女孩共同創造,屬於全部女孩的節日。
As the founder of Sally Coco since 2010, Vera Lui was determined to bring the first female friendly intimate lifestyle store to people of Hong Kong. Born and raised in this sex taboo city, she has experienced herself and witnessed others suffer from the lack of sex education. In 2012, she started an unstoppable movement with her sex education channel on YouTube, which now has 79K subscribers and 17 millions views. After years of face-to-face conversations with women from all walks of life, she has realized self love is truly the key to happiness.
With the passion of spreading her message, she has partnered with Eaton Workshop to bring you a new kind of women’s festival. Together, they wish to create an open platform for women to explore many topics from body positivity, mental and physical wellness, motherhood to spirituality and sensuality. It’s a festival inspired by all women for all women.