Gurl Power 音樂派對
GURL POWER Music Party
Day 8
Sep 8, 2018 星期六 Saturday10:00pm - 1:00am
Cocoonics 本地 DJ / HK BeatmakerCoco Pop 香港變裝皇后 HK Drag QueenGTB – Serena & Ruby Indie Pop Group王嘉儀 Sophy Wong 獨立女唱作人 Indie Pop Singer
早鳥價|HK$260 (至 8 月 26 號)
香港首個 Women’s Festival 的重頭戲,一個慶祝「自主、自愛、自由」的音樂派對,一眾超 fabulous 的表演嘉賓:變裝皇后 Coco Pop & frds、GTB 的 Serena 和 Ruby,翩翩的唱作歌手王嘉儀 Sophy Wong ,還有本地型女 DJ Cocoonics、將會落力演出! Lez's meeting 女人國的 AJ 和茜利妹亦會現身支持活動,讓大家在 Women’s Festival 閉幕前來個大解放!
Early Bird|HK$260 (Til 26/8)
Our 9-day festival is coming to an end! After 8 empowering and inspiring days, it's time to relax and have some fun! On Saturday night, we have a music party to celebrate SELF LOVE, SELF EXPRESSION, SELF CARE! With a line-up of super fabulous guests: Drag Queen Coco Pop & frds, DJ Cocoonics, Serena & Ruby of GTB, and singer-songwriter Sophy Wong - Hey Gurlllss let's party!
*Ticket includes a bottle of local craft beer.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
購票 Ticket:
- 先選日期
- 再選這個節目
How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.PartyWhereMaggie
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong