Nia 身心療癒舞蹈工作坊
Nia Mindful Dancing Workshop
Day 6
Sep 6, 2018 星期四 Thursday12:00noon - 1:00pm
早鳥價 Early|HK$120
60 分鐘|英語
Nia 是適合任何人士的律動舞蹈,有助我們連結身體的能力及感受內在的光芒,從而帶給我們力量。此身心療癒的舞蹈有助我們提升心跳率,釋放快樂賀爾蒙安多酚,在舒適區內活動身體。而任何體能、即使手腳不協調的人士,也可體驗與自己各個身體系統更開放地溝通。Nia是能啟發喜樂的舞蹈,它的律動就是根據我們的神經系統設計,跟著跳人就會感到快樂!PAUSE 的創辦人及導師 Jill Marshall 具備20年教授人體結構學及律動經驗,將會帶領我們進行52套舞蹈動作,靈感來自Nia的9套基本動作。
Early Bird|HK$120
60 mins|English
An empowering movement class for any body-type to connect to our body’s capabilities and feel the radiance within. We raise the heartbeat, release endorphins and move within our comfort zone. All fitness levels and those with 2 left feet can experience an opening and connection of all body systems. Nia is a dance movement practice that inspires joy - it just does! We’re just neurologically wired that way! PAUSE’s founder, Jill Marshall will lead us in a dance of 52 moves, infused by 9 movement arts, with 20 years of Anatomy and Movement teaching experience.
*Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for exercise.
* 除音樂派對外,早鳥優惠已經完結
* Except Music Party, Early Bird has ended
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- 先選日期
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How to buy:
- Select date.
- Select this program.Workshop 工作坊WhereAnita
香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 2 樓
Level 2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong